I am a huge fan of stacking interlocking toolboxes. I have been using the Festool systainer system for years but it is very expensive and the boxes aren’t really made to hold up to a full on hardcore construction crew. They are aimed more at the finish carpenter/ tradespersons who works alone or with a small crew.
Having an interlocking system for your toolboxes is a real advantage over tool bags or random boxes. Organization is the key to efficiency. Having the option to carry more than one box at a time can save both time and money. The locking design keeps each box firmly in its place during transport. It also saves space while adding a measure of protection to your tools and boxes.
Add some wheels and transport becomes much easier. You can haul multiple tools and boxes full of accessories in one trip from the truck to the job site. The advantages become even more clear when working in high-rise buildings where you must use an elevator to reach your job. Some job sites have little to no close parking and many find themselves walking long distances to reach the actual site. With interlocking boxes you can turn several trips into one.
When the original tough system come out with the metal dolly I was very intrigued and almost bought a full set. I mostly work alone and decided not to add another storage system to my workflow. I liked the tough build and utility of boxes but the arrangement of the dolly took up too much space for my needs. Even though, I work out of box trucks and job trailers, space is always limited. For many it is probably an awesome set up. Each situation is different and we all have to weigh the pros and cons of different solutions.
With the new large DS450 rolling bottom tool box we can now have similar utility while saving space. The boxes are still the same tough build but now stack tight while interlocking with each other. I immediately saw the benefits of the new box. It was just what I needed to get me to try the system. Since it is both taller and deeper than previous boxes, it will hold larger tools as well as more of everything. It has a telescoping metal handle and large wheels for smooth rolling even when navigating stairs. It also has a removable tray for smaller commonly used items. One advantage that it has over at least one of the competing systems is the lid. When you open it the telescoping handle tilts back and out-of-the-way. It allows the lid to open fully without wasting space. Thus there is no need to remove the lid to get into the bottom box. Few things are more annoying than having to
look around at the end of the day for the lid of the bottom box. Without the lid the next box will neither stack nor lock in.
The design of the Tough System is solid. They are made of a thick structural foam material. The hinges are heavy to stand up to job-site abuse. The handles have a nice soft rubber over mold for comfort when handling them. The lids all have a foam gasket to keep water and dust out. They are IP65 rated. In my experience they are weather-proof. I left a set outside for the better part of a year with tools inside. Through many thunderstorms and blowing snow they stayed dry as a bone inside. I am not afraid to store any tool in them. I have heard reports of some getting moisture inside but I’m not sure why. Perhaps they had a defective unit or a crack of some type. I have never had a drop of water or a hint of condensation. The lifetime warranty is reassuring.
There is a very nice array of boxes available in the tough system to meet many different requirements. There are large, medium and small boxes. There are organizer boxes , open top totes and boxes with drawers. There is even a tough system music job radio. It is my favorite of all job radios. It has the best sound quality so far. The highs are crisp and clean and it has the best bass of all job radios no matter the brand. All of these boxes lock together for ease of handling and to keep things from falling off the stack.
I feel that every trade can benefit from the DeWalt Tough System storage. It doesn’t matter what job we do, we all can benefit from organization and tool protection as well as ease of transport. I encourage anyone who works with tools and or parts and accessories to at least check them out at your local Home Depot.
One very nice accessory that I really enjoy using with the tough system boxes are Kaizen Foam Inserts. My friend Brian Way makes them in his shop. He is a custom mill work installer. He created a nice way to organize and protect his tools. They are CNC cut multilayered foam inserts that fit the box perfectly. They are available in different thicknesses for different applications. The way you use them is lay the tools on the foam in the box, trace them out with a long tip marker and then cut the foam out with a thin breakaway knife so your tool fits snugly in the insert. The multiple 1/8″ layers make it very easy to cut and peel to fit your tool perfectly. You always want to leave a layer or 2 on the bottom. It protects the tool and keeps it from moving around during transport. Available at kaizeninserts.com use coupon code toolpig for 10% off your order.

Dealt Tough System – Combined with Kaizen Insert
I review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one of my links, I may earn a small share of the revenue. My picks and opinions are independent from any business incentives.
The dewalt tough boxes are the shit they make transferring your tools eazy. Just like your motto worksmarternotharder catch me on the gram @ilayitforu
Toolpig > Toolaholic
You and Mrs. Tool Pig are so great. Love you guys – From a Journeyman Carpenter and Commercial Carpentry PM. You guys have such a classy way about you. It’s much appreciated and respected. Love the family values!
@ bargieswords
Very informative review of Dewalts tough system Toolpig. The ability to interlock boxes and the wide array offered are both excellent. The Kaizen foam is certainly a professional touch. Im a 22 year old first year electrical apprentice for Glenn Miller Electric in NJ. Recently left my job as a landscaper to pursue a career as a licensed electrician and im loving it. I could greatly benefit from this system as I work out of my own truck and meet different Journeymen. I don t have enough tools or money to buy or fill a tough system yet so maybe maybe ill catch a break and get lucky. Thanks Toolpig! IG: kharts40
Dewalt is best!
I am a 2 year tile finisher apprentice so I’m just starting out in the trade. I’m from California where money is spent like crazy and getting some sweet tools & a storage for them would be a dream! I think they way you built your business and IG page is truly inspirational ! @champagnechappie
Such a great tool/storage for any tradesman or women!
@ champagnechappie
I’m a full time student studying Construction management but I’ve always loved woodworking and building furniture. These would be an awesome kickstart for me!
Instagram: jacksourdough
Ive just finished my 3rd year in carpentry. This would be a great loadout to keep me going. I want to start using dewalt but i have recently bought makita.
Instagram thompritch
Have been in sales for the last 10 years. I am now 29yrs old and have decided to go back to school and get into a electrical apprentice program with tha local union. This set up would be a awesome start up for me.
Cheers !
This was a really great review! Very informative and straight to the point. I also love the idea of the foam inserts! Such an effective way to keep things where they should be. I have a couple of the smaller Tstak boxes and love them. They are incredibly durable and functional. I am a Journeyman Electrician from Alberta, Canada. I recently changed career paths and started my own company doing renovations. The addition of these tools would go a long way to getting me more established!
Instagram: @mwskretting
Im 16 currently enrolled in a construction SHSM (special high skills major) and a future OYAP (Ontario youth apprentice program) student. these tools would really help me get started as when I finish Ill be going into the trades.
I’m a 4th year Carpenters apprentice. Do commercial and residential work. These tools would be an enormous leap forward for me to get a major home project done. My family is growing and I need the space asap. Awesome set up ya got there!!
Working in the public safety field, new to the DIY field and woodworking.
I’ve always loved Dewalt. I currently use a Ryobi. But it doesn’t compare. My wife and I do volunteer work and are currently helping in Florida. We’re interested in getting quality tools, but sometimes the prices are a shiny penny haha. DeWalt will be well used by us. We do everything HVAC, Roofing, Plumbing, Electrical. We’re Jack of all trades master of none.
The Tough System tool boxes would be an awesome storage option for my hand tools and when I start getting some power tools as well. I work for a contractor doing carpentry and these would come in handy so much!
Insta @theerklife
I am an HVAC-R tech by trade work for my brother in law in Denver. I also have a small wood working side business on Etsy, where I make home decor. My wife and I are moving to Madison WI this coming up summer, she is from way up north WI in Rhinlander. I will be starting a HVAC and home repair business of my own in July and could really use some tools to help get started! Love your guys site and IG page, really great info and tips! Thanks!
IG: @ihaveamustache
I really need these tools! They will be great in that box for space and also convenience. I’m a trim carpenter from Pittsburgh pa
@[email protected]
Great review. Regardless if I win or not I’d loooove to get this tool kit at some point. I’m not in the ‘trades’ per say but first time home owner trying to fix up odds and ends around my new home. Thanks for offering and keep those reviews coming, they’re very helpful for newbies like myself.
I’m a newbie in woodworking and i’m not very well equiped in fact i almost need everythings ? i’d like to go for Dewalt tools as well as boxes definately after reading your reviews. Thanks again toolpig!
IG @sylgagnon
@theonlymatthias on instagram here. Great article.. I do electrical work in Vancouver, BC Canada. Recently my entire set of makita power tools got stolen out of my truck and I havnt been able to replace them yet because work has been slow so I think I’d be a good candidate for the giveaway. Cheers.
These would come in handy when traveling to shows. Keep everything neat and organized while out of the way, yet still easily accessible.
Metal fabricator/artist
Man I could use this! Beats storing your tools in milk crates. Just lost my drill and recip saw after my sump pump in my basement failed. I do landscaping and now renovating my whole home. Great write up, would like to see one on Milwaukee’s packout @dombougie
This is not for me! This is for a brother that spent a year with his wife in Warwick New York Volunteering his time . He is a Carpender elder and full-time pioneer. They just get by financially . He could really use these tools. My Instagram is Matthewmccarthyfa
[email protected]
That’s a very good kit for me to start my new passion. I realy need this Dewalt tools.
How would it fit in a hatchback? I do work around MPLS (Skol Vikes) and work by myself. Is it conducive to a smaller vehicle if the seats can fold down completely?
This is a sweet set. I know a few guys that could result use it. @thehappyone22
Great review of this product. I think this dewalt set is great for any trades men who likes to stay organinzed and be efficient on the job .
I’d be organized AF with this system.
Bought two of these mid size boxes before moving all my tools to my new home in Tahoe City. Loving them so far..This rack system would be prefect for my new workshop!
Great review on these! Very informative I also have been using the festool and makita interlocking cases and I agree they are not all that durable. Just yesterday I actually had one of the handles pull through the lid. The T stacks a bummer to have to unstack a hole stack to get to one thing. I’ve been looking at the Dewalt cases for a while then when these wall mount ones came out I’ve been seriously thinking about getting a set. For me it’s hard to justify investing into a hole new system when I have so many of the t stack cases though. I would love to win your drawing and completely change systems! Haha It would make such a difference in productivity.
Thanks for all the reviews you do toolpig! I love following you guys on insta
These look so great. They would be awesome for organizing my favorite screws and my cordless tools. I’m an electrician I work for Rommel electric out of Salisbury Maryland
Man I would love to win this setup I’m an electrician I work for Rommel electric out of salisbury Maryland my email is [email protected]
I love the idea, look and practicality of this set up. Would be awesome to add this to my trailer.
IG: @Kermodeconstruction
The truth is that it makes life easier! I got a blade saw 1800 watt and except from the tool that’s excellent the case and the abs material makes me believe that its gonna last forever !
I’ve had my eye on these for quite some time but every time I’m ready to invest a tool shorts out or walks off the job and I’m forced to put that money elsewhere. I’d love to improve my work flow by adding a system like this to my arsenal. My Rubbermaid totes are ready to be retired.
IG: garrett.hamm
This is truly a problem between shop to site and the improvements keep coming. Working in millwork the real challenge is packing up for site work is a huge problem and invariably there is always drama to be had..(tools missing, brought the wrong systainer, tool damage) recently Thinking about some site Work coming up I want to create a site tool set separate from my shop tools. This dewalt box set looks like it will fit the bill?
I’ve been seeing these boxes around in the local hardware stores in my country but no one seems to be buying them yet. Looks like a worthwhile investment but I have a lot of other stuff I need to buy first.
Nice I always need more storage kind of like claps maybe.
I have a few of these boxes and really appreciate the durability. The capacity is great and excellent weather resistance. Not the best or easiest to replace a broken clip, but solid hinges and latches. Great storage solution for any trade.
I’m a sheet metal apprentice that works in the the HVAC field mainly performing TAB for the last 2 years. I work for Inland Air Balance as a TAB Field technician. My IG: bigbogle. I work out of my own pickup truck with a camper shell and this system would help tremendously to keep my tools/test equipment organized in my truck. Also it would help to keep my equipment more compact requiring less trips to the truck on job sites where parking can be a issue. I haven’t used a stackable style set of tool boxes like this before but I can see the benefits of it. I would be extremely grateful to win this as being an apprentice I’m still building my tool set and this would help. Thanks to @toolpig for your IG reviews it definitely helps keep me informed on new tools and helps me make informed buying decisions and points me in the direction of picking up new tools that will make my job easier. Thanks @toolpig
This Dewalt Tough System is an awesome addition of tool storage and organization for any handyman or general contract worker. I’m all about organizing my tools in a way that they all have there own place and can easily be found when needed. Aside from my 9-5 job, I have a small at home business building a variety of cabinets for kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, and more. I also do other general home renovation work. It’s all based off what the customers needs are at the time. I would love to own a large tool storage container system, such as the Dewalt one you’re giving away Toolpig. It would help tool keep my larger tools organized and ready for action. Especially with the foam inserts that you mentioned. What better way to protect all of your investments that help us do the work we do! Keep up the good work that you do.
IG Name: mra11en
Tough system was the best organization kit I find dewalt came up with for the garage saw them at Home Depot and they look amazing
I love these things. I’m the next to be owner of a family Plumbing and HVAC company and in all our trucks we try to keep everything organized I am currently split between the Milwaukee and deWalt organizers but have more Milwaukee one. I’ve been eyeballing the bigger deWalt boxes at homedepot but haven’t pulled he plug on getting them I would love tho have and use these for organizing all the tools and materials. Plumbing and HVACR apprentice New Jersey Instagram: This_is_Josh_
Thanks for the review and all your time, I use the ridgid boxes but I love the mounting system idea
Looks like an awesome system to keep everything secure and dry.
Ig:dunnjew furniture restoration
I live and work in Dayton Ohio. A lot of gear goes in and out of each joists everyday. A lot more than you’d think for me as a “painter” need/want more storage but sustainers are way too expensive. Thanks for the chance tool piggy
Awesome review.
I work in the renovation and New construction field. Have to haul tools in and out all the time and out them all in there separate bags. Having something like this would make life so much easier and faster. Would love this set!!!
You guys rock!! #toolpig #dewaltforlife #dewalttough
Definitely debating between the Tough Stack, T-Stak and the Milwaukee Packout. This sheds a little more light on this for me. I work for Sawhorse Creations and my Instagram name is @Sawhorse_Creations
I have several DeWalt tools I wouldn’t trade for another brand. I do general contracting mostly but I have recently moved to Houston to work with the Jehovah’s Witness Disaster Relief efforts.
[email protected]
A system I am in need of! Traveling from job to job makes it difficult to stay organized. Best of luck to all who have entered!
I’d be very curious to try a system like this, right now I use Pelican cases but this looks like a great way to carry more gear in an efficient manner! @jfolsomjr
I’d love to put this system to use at my job… a production technician. I travel a good bit and need something modular and easy to take some or all. I work at NewSpring Church. Instagram: 376matt
This system would solve the never ending issue of “where’s the plumbing milk case?” or “where’s the wiring milk case?” for my father and I. Old habits die hard and often get passed along lol.
Gotta love dewalt. I use dewalt almost everyday. These hard cases with wheels is a must! I imagine they make packing up much easier and more organized. I’m from fort Bragg nc. IG : nickfromthebluff
There was always a saying that went it doesn’t matter what tool you have, it matters who’s using the tool. Dewalt took that to a different perspective and wanted to make sure that everyone who were doing do it yourself jobs and or craftsman would be able to take their craft to next level. Using dewalt tools will give you the experience and drive you need to feel the motivation for any job that comes. The stack tough systems will help organize your tools to get the job done faster and less agrivating. I feel what you guys do on giving things like this away is a blessing to some of us who try really hard to progress in the art and craft we try to take up a notch on day to day bases. Whoever wins will be one lucky person!
This looks awesome! I have the less expensive Dewalt stackable and love them never got the wheel attachment. But they would work better cuz these wheels look bigger.
Glazier at Atascadero Glass, CA
IG: @unkleonecip
Love Dewalt everything. All my tools other than my Skil saw is Dewalt. This giveaway would make me replace my many smaller tool boxes and Dewalt tool bags
I work at Hannon construction out of Burlingame California 20 year carpenter
Instagram- @hannonconst76 & @craftxican76
It’s hard to find the whole system as a kit with dolly, beards the box can only move 100 lbs before breaking and dolly up to 240lbs that’s what a friend told me haven’t done search. But nice concept of dewalt.
Always been a Dewalt Guy. These would go great with my tools for storage and can finally organize my tools and garage!
i work on a dairy farm doing mechanic and maintance work. I also do mechanic work on the side along with fix up old trucks and tractors for my self as a hobby. this system would help me organize tools and hardware that can easily be takin from the shop to the jobsite
ig @nickd626
email- [email protected]
This would be a great addition to any workshop.
[email protected]
This system looks amazing, I love organization and convenience. This system seems to deliver both very well! Love the wall rack especially. IG- @scubasteeve1
New to Dewalt…. Yes that may sound weird, I have used them but only recently bought my own in the last 2 years
Very pleased with everything! I work in central Mass as a carpenter/woodworker. I’d love to own something like this!
Great article! I’ve been torn between tough system and tstak. Either way I better do something. Very unorganized here! I need to eventually deck out my whole 16’trailer with these.
I have a here opinion on this system after reading your article. I’ve been undecided between tough system and tstak. Either way I have to do something. Totally unorganized here!
We have a few of these dewalt cases! We are fans of have nice durable cases rather than bags. They stack well in the truck or side compartments. Would defenitly add more!
Ryan Helfrich
Kitchens By Design
Allentown PA 18104
IG: Kitchens_by_design_pa
Thanks for the opportunity, such a great system for the different job sites i sheet metal work here in Southern California alway loading up buckets and carrying tools material in and out of job sites
Been looking at the systems and ready to give it a go
Ig: the_b1gg3st_boss
I have a workshop at my home and this system is not only convenient but doesnt take much space. Perfect! I work for State Electric Supply
Thanks for the chance!
IG: Joshdturley
[email protected]
I love having good shop storage that’s also portable and durable! I don’t have any stackable cases yet but have been wanting to get some. Good review and I work in Denver. @travisklein13
Effective safe secure simple and easy to relocate. What else could you ask for. It to sing to you… wait they didn’t lol @elklickconstruction
These look so great. They would be awesome for organizing my favorite screws and my cordless tools!
@fetzner on instagram.
I work as an industrial and marine coater doing projects that come in all shapes and sizes around the world. From roller coasters, bridges, & silos, all the way to historic building restoration projects. A few guys on the team run these systems to organize the tools for whatever surface we may be working on. Would love to add one to my set up!
Great system for rough construction, I really appreciate the ability to lock all the boxes at night. Although it can get heavy when loaded up the new low profile box helps. Would love to try the racking.
Rdowns81, I’m a Boston union carpenter and only use Dewalt tools would love to add the the tough rack system to help me along in my career! [email protected]
Great review as per usual. I have the rigid system but I feel this is a step up especially with the drawer system. Contemplating installing the rack system in the van.
I like the compact organization in my small shop I need this kind of organized setup. I am not a craftsman professional. I am a hobbyist. Full Time gig is an exercise physiologists. IG triwoodguy
I am in the remodeling business, therefore am always needing to keep a wide variety of tools on my truck. I began buying the Rigid tool boxes because they seemed (from first glance) tougher than the dewalt boxes. 90% of my tools are dewalt, so I was really wanting to go with the Dewalt boxes instead. I love my rigid boxes, however I do find their size selections to a bit limiting. Not sure if the Dewalt boxes are the same sizes, but it seems like I need to look into them a bit more. Thanks for the review!
Looks like a great product. I do a lot of odd jobs and my tools are all just in bags and random places now. I would like something like the tough system to organize everything.
Instagram- Fred04s
think the whole system is a great idea. It’s solid and reliable while mounted but when you need to move you can make it mobile and personalize it to what fits your needs. Having the dewalt name, you know it’s tough and quality so you have ease of mind putting your tools and material inside of the system.
Currently working at a hospital in Pittsburgh but I move around quite a bit which this would be helpful for.
IG – Steelcitylegend
i am in love with this setup. Love the idea of being able to stack in the shop with access to each box as well.
Great review. I love the Dewalt tough system. i have two of the boxes already but haven’t been able to get the cart or the large box yet. My small box has no handle on the top which is the only complaint I have.
work: Independent home Renovator
IG name: mcalito
Looks like a great set up
Can’t wait to upgrade
I use dewalt daily, haven’t had the chance to use their boxes to much but the review is amazing and i would love to try them out thanks toolpig
I love dewalt they are one hell of a brand!!! Tough too!! @joshspicy2
Tstak box system light years ahead of others, dolly very suitable for tougher terrain with the bigger wheels. Racking system is great for back of the truck, to stop it overturning while on the move! With all the boxes clicking in together and foam inserts, there would be no need for a return trip, carry all in the one load. Very good investment for a working man on the move!
IG: robbierehill Ireland
Hey, this is a awesome system. We use it for our remodeling business. I have the ds450 big roller and it works great but is still have bags of tools and a messy garage. I’d love to have the rack and be able to rotate out base on the task we are doing that day! Thanks
I think the review is spot on, i have use dewalt all the time. They are one tough brand. I love the toughsystem it suits any trades needs. This would go great in a garage or in a van. I live in Jacksonville, flordia @thetreeforge
I work for a general contractor. Hoping to get licensed in a few more years. Weekends I do wood work in my garage for fun. I have the one toughsystems box medium for my 20v set and love it. Need to get some inserts to keep organized.
Love this system and really like thos kaizen inserts will get a few for the current boxes i own already. ? ig: garrettkkirk
IG @weezy323
These will be a really good organizer for my tools and to kept them all in place.
I work carpentry and pretty much anything to do with building a house. Just started getting Dewalt tstak boxes this year and love them. Great system.
IG: jonah_roberson
I like the system. I have been thinking about buying it.
Looks like a great system that would be really useful on our growing job site! We’re going to be expanding one of our systems in the next couple weeks (already have sustainers, Milwaukee stackables, and a couple dewalt tough already). Thanks for the review Paul!
DeWalt makes the best tools, hands down. I’d make good use of these boxes with my small welding business in N. Alabama.
Insta: jasonsanf
Dealt makes the best tools, hands down. I’d make good use of these boxes with my small welding business in N. Alabama.
I do maintenence at a commercial property as well as small jobs here and there and I really enjoy using the tough system boxes. I purchased the dolly when they initially came out and have hardly used it at all being that it is large, heavy, and not very easy to transport around. I would like to invest in the new box with rollers to have the rest of my system lock in with. Overall the boxes seem very durable and fit the tools pretty nicely. The biggest plus I have found with the system is that the power station locks in on top!
I love the design and I love how strong and durable dewalt is compared to other brands! Have used their tools for years!
Ig: ashland6400
Always loved dewalt tools and their durability! I have several drills and saws that are older than 15 years old and out perform new models!
Ig: lane_aka_farmer
I’m a huge Dewalt fan. I’ve been using their tools for years and would love to add this racking system to my truck.
I’ve used many other dewalt storage bags/bins/boxes but this would be the top of the line.
Starting a new business can be difficult when tools have the prices they do; thanks Toolpig for doing this giveaway.
Bryte Custom Contracting is based out of Midland Ontario.
IG BryteContracting
Great review, I do metal roofing, and handyman jobs @frankiejura I have a lot of dewalt tools but don’t have any of the tough systems storage units, it would be nice to get all the tools organized.
I’m a huge Dewalt fan. I’ve been using their tools for years and would love to add this racking system to my truck.
I’ve used many other dewalt storage bags/bins/boxes but this would be the top of the line.
Starting a new business can be difficult when tools have the prices they do; thanks Toolpig for doing this giveaway
Where are you starting your business?
In my opinion this is game changing system for anybody who is using tools every day to make living. Being organized is a first step to be good at whatever you are doing.
I have been dreaming about this set up for a while now, and this would be a great way to start my DeWalt tool chest collection.
This looks great. I hate when I have to buy tools that don’t come with a case. Organization is the key to success and using these tough system boxes allows me to stay well organized. Good luck on the giveaway everybody. If you don’t win I highly recommend ourchasing a few anyways. I am a DIYer
I love this system! I’ve always wanted the dolly but couldn’t find the right deal. It would be perfect for my large job sites.
Great job on this setup …..I like the way you can use this box of tools today and if done with the project leave it on the rack and keep moving on.
IG oakstwo
The toughstack system is top notch in my opinion, I plan on using the toughstack racking system in my truck instead of the garage so that way I can keep everything organized and grab whatever box I need for the job. I am a HVAC tech so this design would definitely increase productivity. Thanks toolpig for the giveaway, good luck everyone!
IG: bradgalea
I have a home workshop and the racking system its convinient and doesnt take much space. I work installing solar panels at Solar Quest down in South Florida.
Man that Kaizen insert is seriously awesome! I haven’t been able to invest in a system like this yet but as a kitchen installer who has a small shop at home it would be game changing!
I work at Nu Life Kitchens in Winnipeg MB as a refacer/installer my email [email protected]
Looking like a great system to mount in the v-nose of my trailer… clip in..stays put till you need them !
I use Dewalt tools every single day! For my Millwright job that puts the tools trough heat, and all day -20 degrees…battery’s keep on working. Tools that when dropped to many times to count, keep working. Motors in those tools that have swallowed so much dust, you blow them out and they purform. All day rain…yup…still good! I use them in my own small business at home, and love the durability and comfort these tools provide. A system to carry my tools, if it’s half as tough as the tools, it would be a winner!
Weather proof boxes are very important to me because I don’t have a van or trailer. Working out of my truck I always have to worry about my tools. This system solves that problem pluse with storage rack in the shop it’s easy to keep everything organized. Good review of the toughsystem.
@franceprecisionpainting hey tool pig! Thanks for the opportunity! I’d fill it up with all kinds of specialty paint gear and wallpaper tools??
I have just recently started a new trade in drylineing and suspended cileings and have chosen dewalt all ready and i think there tough system is insane and wouldn’t mind a kick start with these products
? [email protected]
Jbutcher993 – Instagram
I’m a trim carpenter and love this system although a lot of times I’m in the house over a year this system is so much better then a job box because it is so portable and can be moved from room to room until it finally goes out to the garage and then on the truck to the next one. I could really use one.
dewalts idea from off the rack in the garage to on the site on a dolly is Ingenious & I deal for guys like me I am on the move every day from the to site to site. And i also like that the boxes are ip65 rated came in handy when Dom one thought there truck was in park turns out it wasn’t and my tools survived being run over it’s was a life save. I LOVE DEWALT AND THE WHOLE IDEA OF THE TOUGHF SYSTEM!! 2 this up nothing bad to day about it.
Nardini construction
Instagram @whiley_like_the_cyote_
Awesome Review,
I renovate homes and this would help to get more organized ?
I’ve been thinking about buying the tstak. I like that the hand cart can be used separately. I do cabinet installation and could use that to move cabinets and appliances.
These look awesome I’m always on the road as an iron worker and constantly looking my light gear on the freeway because they blow out of the bed of our rig. The big box looks like it would be perfect for my hard hat /welding hood / tool belt and leathers while the smaller boxes look like they would be great for all of my hand tools. Not to mention the ease of transfering from the rig back to the shop everyday!
These look way more durable and expansive than Festool. Add in the price difference and sounds like a no brained. Thanks for the review!
IG: theundergroundshop
Love the concept of the stack, lock, and go! Seems super mobile and user friendly. As a traveling superintendent I need to carry a large quantity of tools on the road and this seems like an efficient means of doing so.
What a way to get by on the road or in the shop! Or when you have to do both regularly. Thanks for all you do. I help manage the maintenance crew at revival ministries international, as well as have my own small business @davidlarson
I’ve been using the tough system for 2 or 3 years. They are so good! I’ll be adding more to my collection soon, even if I don’t win.
[email protected]
I’ve been looking for a storage solution which might save me from filling my van with heavy/permanent plywood shelving. After reading this review (and watching way too many YouTube videos!) I think the toughsystem might check all boxes for a shop/vehicle storage solution. Dewalt now provides crash tested hardware for the Toughsystem. I would love to win my first set of many to come but I’ll absolutley be switching over to Dewalt’s system.
Great review toolpig!
Owner/operator of Piercefield Home Services
ig; @seanpiercefield
Great review. These would look great in my workshop that I’m building out
IG: tkaczmar
I’d like to see how these take abuse. You should do a demo of dropping them from tailgate height ( loaded up with a comparable weight to the tools that would be inside) to see if they crack or break. I’ m on th Milwaukee platform but am going back and forth between this system and the Packout system. Anyway, keep doing what you do.
I work at Quinnipiac University but I used to work in property management. I hate grabbing a tool bag only to find what I needed wasn’t in it or having to bring multiple ones with me. Someday I’m going to have one of these to organize my Dewalt stuff. @jlamadeleine
Great review…I actually had no idea then handle tilted back which was my biggest complaint about the rigid stackable system that I noticed needs to have the lid removed and also none of the boxes open with the handle up so it needs to be retracted fully before you can access your tools. It may seem small but it’s a huge annoyance.
Also I like that they’re utilizing the same material for the boxes as the industrial dolly system. It seems like this and the Pack out are the ones to beat at the moment. Would love nothing more than to have this system on hand for my work
Just got my first tough box (DS150) for Christmas. Love the quality of the box. Has the small flip down compartment under the lip and even has a weather seal. Great box that I will be able to utilize for the remander of my career!
Another great review. Dewalt has really stepped up their game on this system.
I’ve always wanted one of these and I like the fact that you can actually have somewhere to put it all together. DEWALT has definitely improved over the years. I was considering getting the rigid one but after seeing the way thus has its own station set up I could see myself having this at home for when I bring my tools from work.
Love looking into your guys articles and Instagram posts. I work for Fastenal and love knowing what you guys think is the best to add to my product knowledge!
Email: [email protected]
At work we have a few different kinds of guys- the ones that are ok with stuffing their pockets with fittings and parts and hope it all stays put by the time you get where you are going (and hopefully you remembered everything you need), and the ones that have a container system that is already fully stocked before they leave the shop.
Want to guess who gets jobs done the most efficiently ($$$$$$)?
The initial cost to buy is quickly made up by better productivity. Also I don’t end up with 5 gallon buckets filled with random fittings (and rain water) in the back of the truck!
I work in the water well industry, Sheehy Well and Pump.
IG semeehan17
I just got a couple Ridgid interlocking containers for Christmas. I might need to return them now and get these. I have a desk job but I do odds and ends on the side.
IG- kevisom
I’ve got the DS450 cart and a few boxes, the wall kit would be a great add to my garage! Ive actually had this sitting in my @amazon cart for months so this would me amazing to win! I work for @experianhealth my instagram handle is @jayschwandt
Haven’t had a chance to purchase these yet. But I’m looking forward to it. Already ordered my kaisen foam inserts. I’m a cabinetmaker from Ontario.
Great boxes
Laborers 100
Awesome have a few boxes myself
Laborers local 100
I’m an electrician here in Denver and this would definitely be a solid set up to have.
IG: Zane.Schaeffer
Oops.. forgot to add my Instagram name.
This is awesome. Nice write up. Would love to get my hands on a set.
You can go wrong with DEWALT. My construction company is committed to DEWALT tools. There tools are always reliable and can withstand a beating.
Just started getting organized starting last year. It just helps to be that much more efficient when everything is in its place. I’d love to integrate this into my system.
I’m newer to the trades, having been on a renovations crew for just over three years. Here in Toronto, Canada, one of the things workers like myself have to contend with is parking. Like you mentioned in your review, stacking systems are invaluable when having to deal with walking from your vehicle to site for about a block. They turn a few long trips to just one. And that is in my opinion worth every dollar invested.
Currently I own a handful of t-stack boxes but have found That I’m in need of a larger setup. Sofar its a tossup between the pack out system, and the tough boxes. To make matters more interesting I drive a hatchback and am on payroll, so that means I need to conserve as much space as possible and not break the bank. Anyways as always your reviews are insightful and well put together, thank you!
These are wicked . Ive been looking at getting one for some time now . Im a union carpenter/interior mechanic . And some of the jobsites im on cause me to haul all my gear all over the site . This would be perfect. I like to set up the rack system in a van for easy transportation !
Hey Toolpig! Thank you for the awsome reviews on all the tools. Very informative! Especially when going out to make a purchase on these tools, you guys really help the decision. Thank you for all the work you do please keep the videos coming!
Ig- deanjdlapham
Email- [email protected]
Another great review. I work as a superintendent, but I operate a hoppy wood shop out of my garage. This would be great for what I am lacking most. Storage.
This system is badass and I could totally use more storage!
I work in the medical shelving/storage field with a company Called Complete Office & Medical.
IG: Maurodebenedetto
I have a dewalt screw kit, and love it. Would love the rest of the set too, seems like some good quality stuff.
@beavercreekcustoms on Insta!
Really like the look of these as I’ve had to haul a bunch of tools basically loose in the back of my car. My tool bag is super heavy and takes two hands to lift anywhere lol. Anyways these look great. I do handyman work and lite carpentry on the weekends and this would help allot ?
Instagram : bentuuri
Really like the look of these as I’ve had to haul a bunch of tools basically loose in the back of my car. My tool bag is super heavy and takes two hands to lift anywhere lol. Anyways these look great. I do handyman work and lite carpentry on the weekends and this would help allot 🙂
Great review man. @grecs_89 working in Ottawa Canada. Looking to get one of these systems. Trying to decide between packout at tough system. Might have to go yellow after this article.
The tough system boxes I have now have been going strong for a couple years now, have kept everything dry in Colorado snow. Planning on getting more but really need to get a wall system .
IG: armintroutk
Great review! My husband is a state trooper, but does a bunch of DIY projects around the home. These look durable and can help us declutter and get organized! @tbutler18
@ridgemark_builders on insta!
I have the dolly at home and I love it. It’s great for getting around the site and from room to room with your full setup. What I’ve always wanted was a “homebase” so to speak where all of my different combos of task boxes could be stored and labeled so when I’m ready to go out I fill up the dolly with selected boxes from the rack. These boxes are tough as hell and a blessing to any disorganized trade!
I almost went with Systainers for storage until I sat down and figured out exactly how many I would need and the costs. It got expensive very quick. I ended up going with the TSTAK’s due to cost and they have been great for the vast majority of my needs. I need to pickup some ToughSystem boxes for bulkier items like nail guns, caulk guns, etc.
My full time job is as a project manager at a web development company but a lot of my free time is currently being spent working on my grandparents house and doing other DIY projects.
Instagram: @justinkendall
Much more organization then bags and will last longer too!
IG @Tschreier
Look awesome!
This system looks so handy. Would look even better in my shop! Fingers crossed. It would be great for all the Reno’s I’m doing on our old Duplex. Currently going back and forth to grab a few things at a time from the back shed in this -20° weather! This would be amazing!
Currently working as an electrician apprentice for Ireton Electric in Perth, Ontario (Canada).
Neat system. I have been looking for a system to adopt at work that will have a storage spot in both a van and warehouse. I think this would do the trick.
IG @junkystar
Looks like a great setup for where I work in Calgary. @dana.kinnaird
Stellar in-depth review! This is on my radar. The tstack is more appealing because of the drawers, but they don’t seem as heavy duty. Festool is out. If Milwaukee would do drawers I would be almost sold. Price drop as the novelty wears off is also going to be a factor. This storage system that allows access to each individual box is a big pro and it definitely gives me more to think about as I wait to make a decision. I am self employed with a remodeling company here in West Central Iowa. Integrity Carpentry. Pretty much straight north of you on 71 hwy:)
Love the toughsystem, have about 7 boxes so far and couldnt be happier with them.
Great giveaway
Love this system. Just purchased the dolly, can’t wait to add to it. Working in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Works great through the snow. @nicdavie @realdealplumber [email protected]
Wow that looks like an awesome setup
What a awesome review! This system looks really nice and efficient! I just started my remodeling company and this would be a huge help with moving our equipment from job to job! Keep up the great work ToolPig!
I have enjoyed my tough box’s. They are very durable and haven’t had any problems with them. I keep adding more and more and have started to use kiezen foam too. Tonylandin001 on ig with Silverado construction
Love Dewalt huge fan. I could use a great setup like this for my crew. Looking forward to using this particular system.
Owner at Valenz Construction Group INC.
email: [email protected]
Instagram: valenzman
I work for University of Utah Hospital in maintenance. I also am trying to build my own home shop. @warfighter3. [email protected]
Love this system it’s so convinent
Canmar contracting Ltd.
Ig Luismiguel.anaya
Great review. Always truthful on what you like & dislike. These would be a great addition to keeping my tools organized. Especialy when I can wheel everything from my crappy parking spot! I work in Queens, NY.
These are awesome! My boyfriend is about to start his own handyman business and he’s going to need sturdy dependable storage like this. This article really showed me they are dependable. It was thorough and answered questions I didn’t even ask myself. Much appreciated.
Ig: camilligraphy
I love the one toughsystem box that I already have. The rolling base and organizer especially would be game changers! I ‘work’ at a desk, but my free time / fun time is spent on building renovation and home improvement. Thanks as always, for the great, in-depth reviews!
I use the DeWALT tough storage boxes at home already, but I could always use more of these for storing my tools at work.
I need this my current dewalt storage box broke in half last week.
Excellent review. Already have the Tough System music box and it is amazing. Also noticed they have a racking system for vans which would be great for transport. I own a handyman business and these would help to stay organized for whatever is thrown at you.
IG jrisrael
Great review. I could always use more storage!
IG wiechmand
These look unreal. Love the concept of keeping all your tools dry, and a quicker unpack when you show up to a job
These look awesome, haven’t had the chance to use them yet, we have packouts for one truck, would be great to contrast with one of these for the second truck !
These systems are great ! Super rugged, always wanted to try one but haven’t had the chance, I do a lot of carpentry and love keeping everything organized and dry
These systems seem like they are small space and mobile friendly. With my current shop situation that is a complete must and would absolutely love to have one of these systems. I work as a free lance flooring installer on the side and full time at R&O Construction. Your reviews are great and very applicable. Great work!
Great review I honestly have just startrd to switch over to the tough system and i honest love it been useing dewalt tools for coulpe years now and love them
The Dewalt Tough System boxes actually look tough as oppose to some other storage systems out there. Currently working just with one buddy on a custom home in Victoria, BC, Canada.
I finally picked up a few of these and am thoroughly impressed stackable tool storage is perfect for someone who has limited space
Dewalt tough system here i come
I’ve got a home workshop. Firefighter is my day job, but I spend a every available moment working in the shop and things can get really cluttered. These boxes would go along way towards utilizing the limited space that I’ve got in the shop as well as making it easier to work out on the jobsite as well. IG name is measley0101. Thank you.
I’m a diy guy with a small garage and this would realy help me to stay organized.
My name is Chris and I’m a carpentry student at a vocational high school. This system is really cool and I like the different options you have with it. DEWALT is definitely my go to brand and I will soon have to invest in this system as I grow my collection of tools.
Ig- chris_mcevoy02
[email protected]
Great review, I agree with what a couple comments already said; if all things equal b/w the Milwaukee packout and dewalt tough system you can’t go wrong buying the product made in the USA!! Do y’all think the clear top on the packout has any benefit over non-clear tops of the Tough System? Not sure how much benefit there is to able to see inside before opening. That may be better for your fasteners box, but for tools it seems less beneficial.
Great review! I’ve notice Dewalt has came out with a lot of handy products the past few years.
In 2017 I 100% committed to dewalt. Just like how the boxes fit together and make being on the move easy, I find it extremely effective to have one style/ brand of battery that works for all my tools. I sold or Gave away anything but my yellow tools and run 100% dewalt! I mainly work out of central Illinois and can tell you first hand these boxes have no problem working hard!! Thanks for the opportunity Paul! @j.Him_woodworking
Great review, seems like a great system to keep your tools organized and secure.
What a great review. I use to be big on the milwauke 18 volt tools but recently made the switch to Dewalt. You just can’t beat anything made in the great USA. ????
I work as a lineman for Southern California Edison. I build and repair power lines. I use the extra large rolling Dewalt box to store and transport my personal tools at work. Great buy! The matches are kind of cheap but I lock the box anyways so they’re really not important for me.
My name isCameron Turnquist, owner of Turnquist Remodeling. Great review. I definitely think kaisen foam takes this to the next level. I have an organizer but would love to give the tough system a whirl. Anyways my insta handle is @turnquisthomes
I work for a small company, Maloney Construction. I love these boxes! I have a friend who moved and I got a couple hand me downs from him. These would be sweet!
Looks great!
Royal oak stair and rail
We are always struggling with the prblem of touch organizes for our truck with all the different tools we use for buliding our custom stairs cases this would be a huge plus to add to my collection so im not always running around trying to find thjngs in different bags
I have yet to buy a truck since my little wagon is paid off (and I can’t seem to kill it). So it is very important to me that everything is organized and modular when loading up for a job. The tough system looks awesome.
It looks like a great system. I wish Home Depot sold the hand cart so could test it out. I do HVAC and weekend warrior with projects so organizing is key.
Can always count on dewalt stuff to be strong… love the concept.
Ig @trentmcnee
Great review. I own SOUTHERN CUSTOM PAINTING. I was in home depot the other day and noticed this Dewalt organization system. I have nearly every tool I use on a daily basis jammed into my truck toolbox. Needless to say it’s not organized to say the least. This would definitely solve the issue!
Instagram @chasekaiwi @kailuacarpenter
Email [email protected]
This box system looks epic especially for those not sold on going all in with festool. I’m a ground up carpenter/ builder with Mokulua high performance builders in Kailua, HI and I’m proud to support American made tools. We build green from the ground up surpassing almost all green building standards currently in place here in HI and we love dewalt. Most of the best tools I own are dewalt and they always take care of me when something goes wrong. Definitely interested in investing in this product set.
Been using the dewalt rectangular bags for years in my handyman services. Those bags were pricy in their time…$40-$80 from what I remember. Can’t let them go! No wheels though. Maybe this is what I need to transition.
All I know is, that tool carrying system is heavy duty! One of my previous co-workers had the same set up with a basket on top and it was perfect for all the electrical tool needs.
Great review always really informative I have several tough system boxes all had taken a beaten and stand through. I really enjoy lurking your page and late night tool review reads lol thank you tool pig for the time you take to do all these for us
Ig tag @brothersventures
I’m a GC out of Boston and always on the go to different jobs. I fill out most of the trades for my company and like to have my trade specific tools together so if I know I’m doing that task I can just grab that setup and take off. And obviously that sweet rack would work wonders for keeping the garage organized with all the boxes.
Love the review and everything else you do for the community. Keep up the good work because it does help us out!!!
Thanks again
IG: pmmcgrath11
My girlfriend just got me the DeWALT three piece set for Christmas. I discovered that I can take out the tray in the bottom rolling case and my DeWALT track saw case fits perfectly in there, so you get extra protection for it.
I really like this set from Dewalt. With the wall rack it is a plus over the Milwaukee stacking boxes. I don’t work construction but I use my few tools for projects around my home and for friends and family. This would be way easier than packing back and forth from my truck to the work zone with a couple tools at a time.
I work for a railroad company, and I have little time off any time saved on cleanup and organization is a plus.
I really appreciate your reviews you do because you are genuine with them.
IG: @jdcairncross
I have switched back to dewalt in the last 3 years. I love this new system and have compared it with Milwaukee’s pack out it feels a lot more durable and sturdy. Fingers cross I win one!
Email: [email protected]
Ig:@ ihaveamustache
I work for a 3rd party engineering firm,(Contour Engineering in Georgia), as my day job and building decks and other framing jobs on the weekends. My Instagram id is Matt_southernyankee.
This looks like a great way to keep all your gear together and easily moved for people that work in remote locations.
Great review. I would love this setup. Tired of tearing through personal tools for work and work for personal. Need to be more organized! Love it! I’ve bought many tools after watching your reviews and always been dead on! Thanks for the great work!
IG handle @lexisoutdoorservices
Great review! I don’t, personally, own any yet. However, this is a perfect item to have for those of us who like to keep things organized. I like how you mentioned that they are pretty much weather-proof. Nothing worse than having good tools get rust on them due to moisture creeping in somehow. Anyway, keep up the good work! Looking forward to reading more product reviews.
I think these are great boxes, even for the DIY weekend warrior. Keep up the great content here and insta. I’m in the public service sector at the moment.
I just got the 5 tool Dewalt bag for Christmas. First tools I’ve owned and I’d love to add the Dewalt racking to my modest collection, actually would be my first tool box ever. Thanks for the contest. I work at a church as a carpenter/ property maintance.
IG: bejownage
Thanks for the review, been wanting this set but have been holding off. I work as an apprentice plumber and think they would probably work good in the van.
Ig: @s_rasberry
Looking forward to adding this system to the shop! This would be a great upgrade from having all our boxes stacked up in a corner.
IG: jhawkgreene
We use everything DeWalt and love it! They are definitely the way to go and this stacking system would be an awesome added bonus to the shop! Great review!
IG: Greenestaging
Email: [email protected]
I got the basic three box set Stanley tstak for christmas and already want more. I like how they are professional quality but not expensive at all and you get a lot for your money. I’m saving up for the vacuum that I heard was coming out in 2018.
My ig handle is @trenton_ramey
I own oak tree classic woodworks out on Colorado. We build and install custom cabinetry and boy oh boy would this come in handy……… beings the wheel just fell off our old ridgid install tote! @ekaiserwoodworks
Great review man! I was at Home Depot tonight drooling over these boxes. Thanks for your insight! I work for myself so having your reviews is awesome to be able to make a more informed decision before dropping a bunch of money on certain tools/accessories. Keep up the great work and thanks again! @neffconcepts
I detail cars and this tool storage could be fantastic. Dewalt makes some of the best products on the market.
Instagram @Detailedbytate
This would be AWESOME working in the City of Boston. Navigating Parking, the city streets and tall buildings would be a breeze with these. Not to mention keep the garage tidy. @jtcianciolo
Very informative!!! I have a few Dewalt tools, they are my first choice!! I’m very interested in how I can stack n store using little space , I try and watch all your videos on all tools you do … I appreciate them, cause going to buy a tool can be expensive and it’s nice too see your vids first, I have 4 kids and I’m an apprentice electrician, time is money and money hard to come by sometimes, I’m always working on the house or making tables, shelf’s ,doors n stuff , that requires tools and the right tools , Dewalt is worth the money (my opinion) . Thanks for the knowledge on tough system!!!
I have had a great experience with DeWalt’s quality and expect nothing less from this set. I install window coverings so it becomes difficult bringing in all your tools/ladders and supplies in less than 2 trips, so this set would make life so easy. Great and informative article! Email: [email protected]
I’m am electrician from Manitoba Canada. We run mostly Makita tools but they don’t make anything close to this for a storage option. I’ve been wanting to buy some for a while to transport tools and supplies from the shop to truck to job site.
I love these boxes! I had a set when they first came out. They were so good, it got stolen! ? i currently Gaul everything in bags lol.. i like the fact you can lock em up and they even have the pressure release valves up top.
Great review on these things btw! If i don’t win, I’m def gonna pick up a set! You captured my eye on these bad boys!
Instagram: mun_kin808
I really like the idea of this I’m a service plumber and I want this to mount in my van so I can easily access and organized
IG: blue_collar_bear
This looks like a cool system. Thanks for the review!
IG: @rycojo
As a construction site super for GEN-PRO construction I think the system looks good. Two things I would like to see are rubber wheels on the cart and a deeper parts storage.
Looks awesome! Finally upgrading all my tools. This would be slick in my garage!
I am a union carpenter apprentice. I am slowly building a tool collection and currently own one toolbox. I’d love to win this setup to really start growing my collection.
Ig: @ejrastetter
Dewalt makes some great bags and cases. I got one of their backpacks, and I love it! It doesn’t carry quite as much as I wish it it, but it’s a backpack, so I can’t complain. I’ve been wanting one of the rolling systems though, and these look great! I really hope I win this.
Just wanted to say Its sooo sick! Its soo convenient to use! And practical.
Electrician in training. Hobby woodworking for fun. Would help organize my shop.
I mainly do remodels and this would help organize so much i usually have to clean out my truck tool box and rolling stanley tool box at least once a week.
IG: spoon296
Need these for my flexvolt transportation. Property management / maintenance.
Started my company 9 years ago and the first new set of tools were dewalt. Never looked back always adding to the collection and loving the innovations they bring to the table. This storage system is top shelf, like all there gear!!
The DeWalt system is the way to go! I went with the rigid and totally regret it.. hard to get to each individual box and there is no way to lock it down. The DeWalt set would solve all those problems!
IG: Collier Andrew
[email protected]
I work at a church as a pastor – I maintain our portable equipment, among other things – and I use the Dewalt tough cases to transport and secure important things (the offering collection, in fact). I love the durability and portability of these things.
Personally, I stumbled into the DIY lifestyle after buying our first home and needed to keep things up. Maintaining turned into dreaming big and tackling progressively larger projects. After building built-in cabinets surrounding our mantle, moving a doorway (sealing up one, opening another), adding recessed lighting, and building a custom closet-desk system, my tool collection in my garage has blossomed. I’d love to get more of these for my home! Jon
IG: jonmcwhorter
Great handy system that would save so much time loading and unloading individual tools. Grab the set you need and roll out to the job site.
IG- davidenko90
Email- [email protected]
I really like these storage system from Dewalt. I have the t-staks because they are a bit more economical, but I really like how the tough system looks. Awesome giveaway! Thanks!!
I like the idea of system and have been thinking of implementing it as my job site and van tool organization system. I love that you can get to any box without having to unstack anything by using the DS carrier or the brackets.
Thanks for the review
This looks like a great setup!
We travel a lot volunteering on construction projects and have been renovating our home five years, this organization system looks like it would make packing a breeze! Especially with the rolling tool box, it could be packed to go and Rolled right into the box of our truck.
I’m going to to show my husband the review and see what he thinks. Currently we Store tools (in my opinion) all over the house everywhere ?. Id love to have them organized and in one spot.
@tatgeehonna and @tatijanaphoto
I love the idea of this! I’ve seen the Rigid and Milwaukee systems but I’ve been partial to Dewalt my whole life. I wonder what the durability and longevity of life on these would be?
I like this system and it definitely seems rugged enough to hold up. I’m a dedicated Dewalt tradesman. I do so many things from rough and finish carpentry, electrical, plumbing… and the list goes on, this would be nice to further organize some of my tools! Nice review, keep up the good work! @cfinnovate, [email protected]
Being organized is saving money ? And in -25 in fernie Bc nothing like knowing where your tools are or belong
Looks like this would be a perfect setup to take to work @ Frontier Instagram@mzing1
Love this dewalt system, I can usually get everything I need onto a job site in one trip. @bobo_strass
What a great way to keep everything organized. These would be a perfect addition to my small shop to have everything in one place. The portability and durability are definitely a plus especially compared to the more expensive, light duty systainers. Thanks for another great review.
IG: tolson_44
My husband and I really appreciate the design! Self-employed, living in an apartment with little storage and currently carting our tools to jobs with my little Honda (embarrassing I know…), husbands vehicle just went to the graveyard. Easy storage is important for us! Easy for me to help him too with the simple system.
IG- nadialedionne
I have the basic set up and a couple extra boxes. I really need the rack set up to be able to pull the boxes individually. Thanks for the great article and giveaway. @sprinter2006
Awesome review! I work for my parents construction company and use a single car detached garage and enclosed trailer for storage so as you can imagine organization is a must! Havnt invested in any system by a tool company yet and have been trying to decide between the packout and the tough system. Been leaning towards the tough system due to the cost of the packout! Your review helped me decide! The give away could give me a decent start haha
Awesome set i need this for My tools WHO is on the floor right now. 🙂 Easy to Keep track on tools and hardwere with this set. And a great review.
Great to see you guys reviewing tools to give us a good idea what were in for before buying! I’ve had a couple of the smaller toughsystem totes for a few years and found they work great but get heavy. Haven’t pulled the trigger to get the cart yet but maybe some day. Love how tough these boxes are! broke off some of the ribs on the edges but still work great!
Dewalt toughsystem storage never fails to impress me. If you haven’t checked this storage system out yet you need to do it. It makes your business look more professional when you walk into a customers home with matching storage systems. I work in the hamilton/London area doing interior renovations. My business is always growing, and having these storage systems will only improve it.
IG: sanger.woodworking
These look great! Currently using the husky brand boxes. These I believe would be a major upgrade. Seem way better constructed and thought out. Great write up and review!
[email protected]
i really like this system…cant wait to get one..
fardaaan – instagram
I’ve been a dewalt fan for a long time now and recently I’ve upgraded my storage to the dewalt toughsystem and I can honestly say I won’t ever be changing. These boxes are tougher than tough and make hauling tools around a breeze. I havnt bought a racking system yet but I could definetly use them in my shop. I work in the hamilton, Ontario area as a renovator doing a lot of inside work. So having these storage boxes will definitely help when carrying tools into customers homes.
IG: jacob.sanger
Nicely done!
I agree, I love that system. Have the Ds450 and a few others, it’s great for tough weather or tough work site.
Definitely helps to preserve the tools
I love mine, the shop addition is a great idea. @nevernotskylermasters
I love mine, the shop addition is a great idea. @nevernotskylermasters
Love the Dewalt systems, haven’t got any yet though! Just getting into this craftsmanship business!!
This seems like a great way to keep organized on the job or at home, I only use a husky box and a bunch of tool bags and it’s hard to keep organized. I work at offhaus heating and cooling as a technician and installer. IG @rtoffhaus
I’m currently using the “orange bucket” system. It’s a huge step up from my old “pile whatever I can into my arms” system, because I make fewer trips and drop fewer parts and tools. I obviously have a ways to go, though, to elevate my organization game to ninja status…I’m pretty sure a set up like this would help!
If I don’t win, maybe I’ll put wheels on one of my buckets to comfort myself. #organizationallychallenged
Instagram handle: @bulldawg_plumbing
These seem really nice! I like that I can use the same boxes on my job site as I can in the shop. That keeps things organized and simple! Love this setup! It’s been on my list to buy!
I am a self employed carpenter in MA
I do both new construction finish carpentry and remodeling work. Residential and commercial, I currently use dewalt t-staks and they are awesome but not very heavy duty. I feel like these would be an awesome step up!
I do bathroom and kitchen renovations. It would be so awesome to have this unit so I can roll all my tools in in one shot so I’m not constantly running back to the truck 10 times. Huge dewalt fan. Originators of a lot of this new stuff!
Ig: sneakerclozet1
I’ve been using Dewalt for over 18 years, I’m a big fan of Dewalt since I was 16 working with my father.
I recommend Dewalt to everyone I speak to about power tools.
Instagram @4sonsmechanical
Great concept. This would come in handy for transporting tools to job site
I have the small and med size storage units but would love to get the cart and large unit as well. Hoping that dewalt makes the radio that attaches to it with an a/c adapter so I don’t have to use my batteries. I currently work alone on small home renovations but hoping to be able to do it full time one day.
IG: mcalito
I have 3 of these boxes and love them, I have looked into this storage system. Warranty is legit, handle broke on mine and @toolpig got me in touch with dewalt for quick replacement. I work for a commercial construction company but would use this to organize my tools at home.
IG @williamemrich
Looks like a great system for taking tools from shop to jobsites.
I’ve been looking for a way to organize all the tools thrown in the back seat of my truck for some time, dewalt tough system seems like the perfect solution! Not to mention it’ll keep my tools out of the Florida sun and reduce time wasted running back and forth to the truck. Great review!
love the system. I have a couple of the small box’s and beat the heck out of them. haven’t seen the foam insert idea definitely gonna have to do that to mine would make organization so much easier. I do have a question on the stackable roller. Is it a better option compared to the Dolly system? As an electrician I’m always looking to carry my tools around easier.
ig j.s.lavalley
I love the water proof aspect for transporting and the versatility of grabbing what you need snap and go.
I would love this for my air tools
Framer from London Ontario.
[email protected]
Thanks for the great reviews.
I think the whole system is a great idea. It’s solid and reliable while mounted but when you need to move you can make it mobile and personalize it to what fits your needs. Having the dewalt name, you know it’s tough and quality so you have ease of mind putting your tools and material inside of the system.
Currently working at a hospital in Pittsburgh but I move around quite a bit which this would be helpful for.
IG – Steelcitylegend
Looks like a great system for keeping all of your tools together, and easy to take from truck to jobsite. Having a weatherproof storage is a big bonus. Years ago I had a set of drill bits come up rusted because I had them out while it was sprinkling. I could have kept them dry with this.
I work production in a manufacturing plant, so I wouldn’t be able to use them for my day job. But they would make it so much easier to haul around tools when doing odd jobs for family and friends. Or perhaps an awesome gift to my brother-in-law who is starting his own business. He would be able to utilize a system like this going from location to location with his above ground tank inspection business.
IG = @ohiostatebuckeyefan
I’m currently using the Ridgid system for jobesite tools and systainers for shop stuff. I’ve loved the look of the Dewalt boxes. Would love to try them out maybe replace the ridgid.
I have the dewalt organizer and love it. It actually keeps everything organized without spilling over into the other little bins. I do home improvement and like to keep my screws, nails, power shots all organized.
These tough system boxes are fantastic. I’ve been in the market for some. They seem to be some of the most durable.
I’ll be purchasing some in the new year, but might be nice to win a few first!
Brilliant reviews
With some honesty and goes extra mile
Work and live in Staines Surrey England
[email protected]
I have been eyeing these systems more and more. Currently use a big husky box full of tool bags for different tool types. It works ok but working in theater having such a big clunky box can be a pain going into smaller spaces. My original tool box was the DeWalt box the rolled open into three sections and that worked much better and organized better until I needed more and more tools onsite.
The DeWalt solution to the stackable storage seems the most functional to me. Packout and systainers look fine (though I am not making systainer money working in theater) but the ability to have a system where you can access a box without taking off the ones on top is killer. The racks make me wish I had some shop space of my own or a work van to set those up.
I do multiple faucet of work…electrical, wood working, misc. side jobs. Very inconvenient havin multiple tool boxes to load in/out of the truck. LOVE the design of this Dewalt dolly and interlocking totes! Can’t wait to get some to help with efficiency.
That’s [email protected] had a typo in the first post
Hey TP I’m an up and comer, 21, years old. Work and live in NE Ohio. I’m fully dedicated to learning the business inside and out from the older guys before however the income is not all there for some of these luxuries. This giveaway would be a huge help to helping me grow. Either way keep up the good work I️ love your videos and learn from them everyday. My instagram is: VS3___ (with 3 underscores.)
Awesome review, thanks for all the relevant information. Would love to use this to get more organized on my home projects and furniture builds. [email protected]
I work in the Louisville ky market, installing cabinets. Have to unload almost all my tools every day – no matter the size of the job. This would help so much!
IG: authentic_carpentry
E mail: [email protected]
That’s a very nice system. I love the fact that you can roll it into the jobsite or carry everything by the handle. Also like what you did with the kaizen inserts, that’s sweet! Great review toolpig!
It’s true that organization can help efficiency. This tool box system would do just that.
I have not big on organizing boxes but these look tough and feel like quality when I seen them in person. Makes it easier to have everything you need at arms reach when compeleteling a task @ace_of_tradesjr
Liked the review on the tough system, I’m a young contractor starting up my own company along with my two brothers and we used to own a dewalt tough box system which sadly was stolen from one of job sites. They were efficient and saved up a lot of room for us and helped us keep things neat and organized after a hard days worth. @g.garcia96 [email protected]
I Would love to get some of these for my shop. They seem easy to transport which is super important. I am currently a construction management student at Mississippi state university
Love this system, dewalt fan. Hope i win
@ms0usa15 – instagram
travistuck – instagram
Hey toolpig ,
Great review I 100% agreee these boxes are great I have a full array of them myself .
One helpful thing to all y’all responding with leaking problems……
some models have pressure seals while others don’t.
My brother kept leaving his pressure deals open and it would flood his tools! he was always frustrated that “Dewalt just made a bad product ” he would say . when it was user error for the most part.
Hope this helps!
Forgot tag
Nice Review! I didnt know they came out with a different system from the orignal. I have 2 sets of the competitor as well, and my gripe is the removable lid on the base and having to lower the handle to open the mid size. However, having these in my arsenal has made things so much better. I also work alone typically, ocassionaly with a helper or two, and it makes a big difference keeping things in order and my favorite is less trips working far from the truck/trailer. Thanks for the reviews as always
it’s a full of informational post it will help people to choose the right products for their diy job.
I just loved this review.it’s a full of informational post it will help people to choose the right products for their diy job
I definitely need to up my organization game…reading your review just made that very clear to me. I definitely would t mind some of the back and forth trips lugging tools and stuff. My only question is how do you even begin to decide what’s gonna get a spot in these boxes? I’m indecisive by nature, so choosing might be tough for me.
Thanks for the great review!
I definitely need to up my organization game…reading your review just made that very clear to me. I definitely would t mind some of the back and forth trips lugging tools and stuff. My only question is how do you even begin to decide what’s gonna get a spot in these boxes? I’m indecisive by nature, so choosing might be tough for me.
Thanks for the great review!
Generally we organize in them by the most used items on a specific task. Thanks for the great comment.
Really good review, I’ve been slowly adding to my toughsystem collection for a while now and I really love the boxes. They seem durable and I would trust any of my tools in them. My favorite part though is that the toughsystem music radio has the option to be stacked and locked in to any of the other boxes.
Love the toughsystem boxes! Add the kaizen foam inserts and you have an awesome organization solution.
I couldn’t agree more
Very helpful, looking at getting some of these. Hate how my tools are getting dinged in the bags that come with the sets. @rich_beersteakher
I use the heavy duty Rubbermaid totes, lets me separate tools by task, has worked well and is inexpensive. They do get heavy though, and having to dig for things gets old sometimes. I would need so many tough system/ridgid/packout/whatever boxes to replace the volume I get from the totes-that initial investment is tough
That’s what we need! ??
These are awesome looking! Honestly I used to laugh at the guys with the cloth tool boxes on wheels but after lugging my toolbox all over the job site it ready to switch to something with wheels! These are tough great job DeWalt and nice review Toolpig! @ctsparkyyy
I own the ridgid stackable cases and I’ve been happy with them so far, but I think my next storage purchase will be the toughsystem! Awesome review on them- extremely informative. I have one of the dewalt organizer and I can tell the durability of it right off the bat. Thanks toolpig!
Thank you so much I try to help as much as possible with my reviews.
Great review!!! I love my tough system cases
Great review personally I use the ridgid jobsite boxes but the latches on the dealt turned me away because of the thin metal but overall great boxes.
Good review, personally i like the tstak over the toughsystem.