Milwaukee Framing Hammer

I haven’t been more surprised with a tool in years than I was with the Milwaukee hammers. I have long avoided steel handle hammers because of how they make my elbows feel. I used to use them because I didn’t enjoy replacing wooden handles very much. When you are young and inexperienced you think you can wantonly just pull nails without any thoughts of durability. Unfortunately when we are inexperienced we are also the strongest we will ever be, not a good combo for the old hickory standbys.
About 15 years ago I swore off of steel handle hammers except for demolition days. I bought some Hart wood handle hammers and a few years later, I bought some Dalluge titanium head /wood handle units. I loved all of them. More recently I got a Stilletto Ti bone2 titanium and the new to market Martinez M1 titanium handle / steel head hammer. My favorite of all is the Martinez M1, but we are talking about a huge difference in cost of these hammers.
Steel handles from nearly every manufacturer definitely hold up better but for the most part they transfer far too much energy to the wrist and elbow.
When I first saw the new Milwaukee hammers I will admit I dismissed them as just more elbow abusers. Let me tell you how wrong I was! From the first swing I could tell that these were special. You wouldn’t think they would be any different from other mainstream steel handle hammers. Milwaukee spent countless hours developing these on computer models, in the lab and on the job site. The effort was well worth it. The results are outstanding.
It’s hard to believe how much vibration these handles absorb before it hits your hand, wrist and elbow. It’s not that the rubber grips are super soft. They are actually harder than I expected. They are certainly harder than the DeWalt, Fiskars and Fat Max hammers. The vibration dampening comes from the advanced design of the head and handle core.
I have found that the worst hand-shock comes when you miss the nail and strike the lumber or other material directly. When you hit the nail there is usually a tiny shock but the nail moves as the hammer gradually decelerates and much of the energy is transferred to the work and not your hand. When you miss, the hammer decelerates faster, transferring much more energy to the handle. The further down the handle you are gripping, the more it hurts. This contributes to carpal tunnel syndrome and other problems. Believe it or not even compared to wood, fiberglass and composite handles the Milwaukee has one of the lowest amounts of hand shock I have ever felt even when I miss. Even when I am holding it by the end of the handle.
The head is also designed to control ringing. The claws are different thicknesses so they do not act like a tuning fork when you strike a nail or other hard object.
The magnetic nail starter on the face is a nice touch. I wish the magnet was stronger though. Sometimes the nail will fly off if I am not paying attention to how hard I am swinging. I’ll chalk it up to user error but I will mention that it never happens with my favorite Martinez tools M1 titanium handle hammer.
I actually feel the handle is a good length. Some may prefer a longer handle but then I see a lot of guys choking up on the handle of some hammers with longer handles. I guess a longer one would give more leverage for pulling nails. I just pull sideways when I can’t get one to move.
I never thought I would rave about a steel handle hammer. Here I am though. There is simply no other hammer I recommend as highly in this price range. Yes, I prefer the Stiletto Ti bone 2 and the Martinez M1 but those are both high-end and they have high-end price tags.
The Milwaukee hammers are available in smooth face and milled. They are also available in a composite handle in both faces. The composite handles are lighter but I feel the steel handles have less vibration and they are the ones I grab more. You may prefer the composite. Regardless, I urge you to at least try one. I think you will be pleasantly surprised as I was.
Buy one at THEHOMEDEPOT.COM for under $40
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Gerat posting!! Felt good to read this article, it gives me some great inforamtion that I’m looking for… thanks and keep sharing 🙂
Instagram – daniellowther
Instagram – daniellowther
Good looking hammer.
Instagram- jdrevecky
Looks great!!! I’ll have to check them out . In the market for one my 10 year old estwing came up missing on the job?.
Instagram Carp3nter25
woild love to have that killer red hanging from my belt!
IG – clooneyeats
Bad ass hammer. I use the dewalt. Much rather this beauty!!
darcy.carse < Instagram name
This thing looks awesome!!!
In need of a new hammer!!! This would take the cake I won this!! ?
IG – maui_rider_94
Need one cause all I have is milwaukee. Lol
IG : Gregjbutler
I learned with my dads old fibreglass shaft hammer. Currently use the Stanley Antivibe. This would be sweet to win.
Id love to swing this hammer, and for your taste in hammers to like this….well it makes me even more curious. Plus im in love with my Milwaukee 16′ wide blade? might be more red in the pouch soon
Looks and sounds like a great hammer and would love to add it to my everyday tools.
Instagram – @mechanical_mikey
I could use a replacement for my 20 year old hammer. Sounds like its a quality hammer.
Looks and sounds like a great hammer and would love to add it to my everyday tools.
Looks like a sweet hammer @jonhcole
This will go great with my Milwaukee demo screw drivers. @juh_kob
i did some labour work and saved up to buy an estwing 20 which has proven its work, because I was sick of the fuller steel hammer I was using, always slipping out of the handle, this Milwaukee looks real good, in need of a good framing hammer like this! ?
My husband would love this I saw him checking it out online. This would match his tool collection perfect 🙂
Am getting ready to frame out a room in my basement and this could be clutch.
Insta- dunnjew
I really need me one of these. I currently have a 20oz Eastwing that I’ve had for over 20 year.
Looks like a quality product. I’d love to get my hands on one.
This looks like gold compared to my old bamboo handles beast haha, quality review man as always.
Don’t forget we need either you name on Instagram or your email.
Always great reviews. I need a hammer with that magnetic nail starter. ????
IG: driveryaknow
Thank you. Did you receive the giveaway by the mrs. Yet?
Looks like a great hammer, I would love to try it. I’ve had the same Stanley antivibe hammer for years and am do for a new one. Instagram @SeanAnderson966
i would love to win this!
Instagram name: @timsemega
This looks like a solid framing hammer! Was looking into stiletto but it’s hard to make that investment so early in my career. Thanks for the review!
great review
I’d love to try one of these
Looks like a bad ass hammer. Would love the chance to win one.
Wow great review have been looking for a decent hammer for a while @obs_ian
Love the reviews I am a huge Milwaukee fan. I’ve always loved my estwing but it was recently stolen I hope I win so I can try this beast out!!!! IG: @n1ckm0
Looks awesome, and would be nice to have one for some projects. Thanks for the review.
Instagram: Three_65_Game_Calls
Looks pretty awesome. Would definitely be nice to deal with less vibration resonating to the handle. @tron959
Ive had an eastwing for askong as i can remeber but after reading that i deffinitely want to try one!
Ig: kyleslatermtb
Can’t beat it ???
Superb design and great material
Rivaling a stiletto for sure.
Love to try @stevesipkens
I have one basic cheap hammer. Can’t make myself spend the money on a hammer. Reading this makes me alllllmost get a nice one. @makitacharles
I didn’t expect such a positive review in this hammer to be honest. I have carpal tunnel and am getting surgery soon so a hammer with anti vibe is very important to me. As always an amazing review bud. @oilersfan74
It’s the real deal. ?? I still don’t believe it!
Need this to upgrade my Husky hammer ?? IG: _joe_tools_
Another quality tool love all my milwaukee hand tools and battery tools. Always enjoy your right ups and ig post.
I’ve had my eye on one of these for ages but haven’t been able to get my hands on one as I’m in Australia and they haven’t been released yet if I try to buy one they cost to much to send to Australia so to win one would be awesome, great review as well
Instagram jordan_cavarsan
Looking for a good hammer. Just gave my estwing to my son.
Would love to add this to my Milwaukee collection. Spent all my money on power tools now can’t afford the hand tools haha
I have been interested in this hammer for a while. I can’t. Justify the cost of the high end hammers since I am not a day to day framer. This seems like it would be the hammer for me. Thanks for all the info. Instagram @givingtreewoodshop
This looked awesome!
This hammer looks the bee’s knees. Keep up the good work.
Insta:- tomconzz
Looks like a sweet hammer, really like the non tuning fork design! ha
Whoops, subscribed now…. IG: getoffthecouch
Looks solid! Love the site mate.
Instagram –
This looks great. Love your IG feed.
IG- @ajbenak
Big fan of Milwaukee, tools are always built to last. Excited to see that you give such a good review of an affordable steel hammer!
Instagram @johnmsloane
Looks good! Always preferred wood handles, but maybe this is different…
Would love to try out this bad boy!
I have some Milwaukee hand tools, looks nice and light. Would love to win!
Instagram – kobiebarker
Forgot to hit both notification buttons! Subscribed!
If it’s as good as you say I might just give it a try. My IG name is thehappyone22
Awesome review! I need this! 🙂
Wow I would love to try this hammer! I could never justify a stiltetto or martinez, so this might be a good compromise.
IG – @btownrich
I’ve been interested in trying this hammer. I’ve heard good and bad about it, but the price seems right. Thanks for the helpful info!
Great looking hammer -nail starter is a nice touch. Another excellent review Paul!
Looks awesome. I’d love to win one.
IG: matthew.renes
Really been wanting to try one of these. Probably will need it after this hurricane hits!
Pick me
Instagram name ben_cowie_
Hope the anti-vibe lives up to expectations! Cheers
Need one of these in my life!
will need your ig name if you want to be entered to win!
Looks quality.. great review as always??
Instagram – Jake_lensen